Why Are My Kindle Books Not Downloading

Reading on a Kindle is always a fun task. But when there comes a hurdle by not letting you download books on Kindle, that will be annoying. 

These kinds of problems, such as Kindle Books not downloading or not finishing the download of a book, happen due to certain basic reasons. The reasons could be due to a bad network connection, or it could just be a normal glitch. 

Sometimes these could be fixed by giving it time to resolve on its own. But if the problem continues to persist, then it is okay. Don't panic. You have got here a few fixes that you can use for your problems and downloading books.

Quick Fixes for the Kindle Books Not Downloading

The best fixes to try out for your problem are as follows:

Turn Off your device and restart it. This is one of the simplest yet the solution to all kinds of problems.

Then, you will have to check on your wireless connection if it is working. If not, then disconnect it and reconnect the connection. 

If you are stuck with a book/app that is halfway downloaded, then it's time to delete and re-download the book/app from the cloud section. 

On Amazon, go to "Manage Your Content and Devices." After you find the book/app that is causing the problem, click on "Actions." Later you can choose to "deliver" it to a device of your choice.

If the book or the app is not visible on "Your Content and Devices List," you need to check if the order got finished in the Digital Orders on Amazon. 

After trying out all these fixes and the problem persists, you will have to get hold of the Amazon Support. 


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